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How to Start and What You Need to Know

If you don't know the type of editing you require or how to contact me, then read below. Keep scrolling for an FAQ!

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How it Works

How to Start

Contact me with as much information as you can, and I will get back to you with questions and a quote.


If your project is a manuscript or thesis, we'll schedule a video call to meet and discuss in greater detail what you need. I will also invite you to send a 1,000-word sample of your work. (This is for you to gauge whether you like my editing style and for me to understand you better!)


Once complete, I will return the edited version of your project either in one email, or in the case of manuscripts and theses, in several parts. 

 What is editing exactly, and why do you need it? 



gerund or present participle: editing

Editing is the preparation of written material for publication or submission.

example of line editing

I hope the example of line editing in the video helps you understand the importance of editing, and maybe it sheds light on the type of editing you need. I focus on academic and nonfiction editing but am experienced in fiction and creative writing editing as well. 

Now, let's discuss developmental editing. I only offer this type of editing for short-form creative pieces, i.e., short stories, oracle decks, essays, etc. The above video is not what to expect with this type of editing. Instead, we would discuss story elements, pacing, and character development and track plot holes and inconsistencies. At this stage of writing, the theme and moral of the story should be clear. If they are not, then a rewrite of sections may be suggested.

  • How long will editing take?
    I require five business days to finish projects that are 15,000 words or less and 10 business days for projects longer than 15,000 words. If your project is a manuscript or thesis, then I will need at least one month but usually longer.
  • How will I know what you've edited?
    I use Track Changes so that clients can see each edit and easily accept or reject the changes I've made.
  • How much will it cost?
    Each project is different, so the price is customized based on each client's needs, project length, etc. Please feel free to email me and I will give you a quote: I don't bite!
  • Free Downloadable Grammar Guide
    The download is coming soon!
  • Free Downloadable CMOS vs AP Style Guide
    The download is coming soon!
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